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Grey Talon Builds

See the best builds for Grey Talon

Grey Talon

Gray Talon (YelizarSkik) Arrow Killer

Grey Talon Build by TTV:YelizarSkik

favorit build318,176

4 months ago

1) lane game
Hollow Point WardI500
High-Velocity MagI500
Extra ChargeI500
Extra SpiritI500
Mystic BurstI500
Enchanter's BarrierII1250
Extra StaminaI500
Items for survival in the lane
Extra RegenI500
Healing RiteI500
2) Key post-laning items
Long RangeII1250
Swift StrikerII1250
Pristine EmblemIII3500
Combat BarrierII1250
Superior StaminaIII3500
Improved CooldownII1250
Rapid RechargeIII3500
Improved SpiritIII3500
Improved BurstIII3500
Spiritual OverflowIV6200
Boundless SpiritIV9700
Lucky ShotIV6200
Grey Talon


Grey Talon Build by strmx

favorit build60,825

6 months ago

Early Upgrade ur 1st and 3rd skill to 1 point. After max ur 1st skill and destroy enemy.
Extra SpiritI500
Mystic BurstI500
Extra ChargeI500
Extra StaminaI500
Mystic ShotII1250
Improved CooldownII1250
Enchanter's BarrierII1250
Mid game After upgrade ur ultimate to 2 points and max ur traps.
Improved SpiritIII3500
Rapid RechargeIII3500
Improved BurstIII3500
Surge of PowerIII3000
Spirit LifestealII1250
Late game Speed, damage, armor. Too many frags.
Boundless SpiritIV9700
Mystic ReverbIV6200
Superior StaminaIII3500
Superior CooldownIII4250
Mystic SlowIII4250
Spiritual OverflowIV6200
Extra For different situations.
Silence GlyphIII3000
Veil WalkerIII3000
Combat BarrierII1250
Grey Talon

Linepro Grey Talon

Grey Talon Build by ttv Linepro

favorit build20,793

3 months ago

Lane Phase Skill Unlock: 1-3-2-4 | Skill Upgrade: 1-1-3-1-4-4-4-3-2-2-2-3
High-Velocity MagI500
Sprint BootsI500
Extra StaminaI500
Extra ChargeI500
Extra SpiritI500
Mystic BurstI500
Long RangeII1250
Situational if losing lane
Extra RegenI500
Healing RiteI500
Early Game You basically put trap with 2 and poke them with 1
Soul Shredder BulletsII1250
Mystic ShotII1250
Enchanter's BarrierII1250
Enduring SpeedII1750
Spirit LifestealII1250
Improved CooldownII1250
Mystic VulnerabilityII1250
Early Game Situational
Debuff ReducerII1250
Grey Talon


Grey Talon Build by DX1  ™

favorit build20,738

6 months ago

НАЧАЛО MONSTER ROUND ситуативно, хорошо помогает фармить./// Мы в этой сборке дд, который наносит фул дпс, и живет на вампирике. Если хорошо фармить, то название сборки у Вас оправдается на все 100.
Basic MagazineI500
Monster RoundsI500
Sprint BootsI500
ЧТО-ТО НАФАРМИЛ 2 самых важных предмета актив релоад и лонг ренж. Лайфстил ситуативно, чаще всего вампира от актив релоад достаточнао. Не забываем максить 2 скилл, для получения вампирика, можно даже пожертвовать 1 и 3 скилл.
Active ReloadII1250
Long RangeII1250
Bullet LifestealII1250
СИТУАТИВНО 1250 герою важно разогнать патронник и скорость атаки, поэтому свифт страйкер за копейки дает гороший буст атак спида. Резисты, обратка и стики(Locket) - ситуативно.
Swift StrikerII1250
Bullet ArmorII1250
Spirit ArmorII1250
Restorative LocketII1250
Return FireII1250
МИД 1250-3000 Апаем шарпшутер, скорость атаки. Магазин ситуативно, можно пропустить. Ап стамины ботинка и армора ситуативно.
Burst FireIII3000
Titanic MagazineIII3500
Superior StaminaIII3500
Enduring SpeedII1750
Improved Bullet ArmorIII4250
Improved Spirit ArmorIII4250
Grey Talon

vegas the bird master

Grey Talon Build by vegas

favorit build16,491

3 months ago

High-Velocity MagI500
Extra ChargeI500
Extra StaminaI500
Hollow Point WardI500
Mystic BurstI500
Extra SpiritI500
Enduring SpiritI500
Sprint BootsI500
Kinetic DashII1250
Long RangeII1250
Mid game
Enchanter's BarrierII1250
Rapid RechargeIII3500
Combat BarrierII1250
Enduring SpeedII1750
Late Game
Improved SpiritIII3500
Surge of PowerIII3000
Warp StoneIII3000
Boundless SpiritIV9700
Improved BurstIII3500
Grey Talon


Grey Talon Build by Platinum

favorit build16,324

5 months ago

Lane Phase Very strong here, autos/1 can bully lane
High-Velocity MagI500
Mystic BurstI500
Hollow Point WardI500
Extra ChargeI500
Extra StaminaI500
Extra SpiritI500
Enduring SpiritI500
Buy only one before midgame
Reactive BarrierII1250
Early Game Improved burst early if fed // SOP on 1
Kinetic DashII1250
Enchanter's BarrierII1250
Improved CooldownII1250
Soul Shredder BulletsII1250
Improved BurstIII3500
Surge of PowerIII3000
Pristine EmblemIII3500
For infernus/pocket matchups
Debuff ReducerII1250
Debuff RemoverIII4250
Grey Talon


Grey Talon Build by 摆烂狐狸泰蕾莎

favorit build16,321

5 months ago

初期对线 出门点1,然后优优先给1点3可以降低对线压力,之后点数全给1
Mystic BurstI500
Extra ChargeI500
Extra SpiritI500
Enduring SpiritI500
前期非必须 千万别乱用体力
Hollow Point WardI500
Extra StaminaI500
Restorative ShotI500
中期 1点完点4,记得多看地图防止被抓,经常飞鸟支援别的线队友打团
Soul Shredder BulletsII1250
Enchanter's BarrierII1250
Improved CooldownII1250
中期非必须 魂力上去了这玩意非常疼,也可以加不少清兵速度
Mystic ShotII1250
Grey Talon

Wewks Spirit Talon

Grey Talon Build by Wewk

favorit build0

4 months ago

Extra ChargeI500
Extra StaminaI500
Basic MagazineI500
Mystic BurstI500
Ammo ScavengerI500
Hollow Point WardI500
Sprint BootsI500
Extra SpiritI500
Mystic ShotII1250
Enduring SpiritI500
Extra HealthI500
Early alt
Extra RegenI500
Healing RiteI500
Rapid RoundsI500
High-Velocity MagI500
Mid SP on 1, Cooldown on 1 or 4
Rapid RechargeIII3500
Improved BurstIII3500
Superior StaminaIII3500
Warp StoneIII3000
Enchanter's BarrierII1250
Improved CooldownII1250
Surge of PowerIII3000
Improved SpiritIII3500
Superior CooldownIII4250
Soul Shredder BulletsII1250
Mid Alt Get as situation dictates
Debuff ReducerII1250
Debuff RemoverIII4250
Pristine EmblemIII3500
Spirit ArmorII1250
Bullet ArmorII1250
Grey Talon Bird Hybrid (Mobalytics)

Grey Talon Build by AverageJonas

favorit build0

5 months ago

EARLY Left to right. Focus on last hits before poking enemies
Extra SpiritI500
High-Velocity MagI500
Extra ChargeI500
Hollow Point WardI500
Mystic BurstI500
Enduring SpiritI500
Extra StaminaI500
Extra RegenI500
Healing RiteI500
CORE Left to right. Put sup CD on 4. Split push and farm jungles while helping team with crossmap ults
Improved CooldownII1250
Enchanter's BarrierII1250
Mystic ShotII1250
Improved SpiritIII3500
Superior CooldownIII4250
Improved BurstIII3500
Boundless SpiritIV9700
Rapid RechargeIII3500
LATE OPTION 1 Hybrid DPS. Play more up close and nuke people from above with your 2
Pristine EmblemIII3500
Spiritual OverflowIV6200
Grey Talon

MikaelS Build

Grey Talon Build by ChrisBris

favorit build0

5 months ago

Ammo ScavengerI500
Extra ChargeI500
Mystic BurstI500
Hollow Point WardI500
Extra SpiritI500
Enduring SpiritI500
Enchanter's BarrierII1250
Sprint BootsI500
Extra StaminaI500
Improved BurstIII3500
Improved CooldownII1250
Improved SpiritIII3500
Rapid RechargeIII3500
Late 強化はすべてスキル1
Mystic ReverbIV6200
Surge of PowerIII3000
Boundless SpiritIV9700
Shadow WeaveIV6200
Spiritual OverflowIV6200
Escalating ExposureIV7450
Spirit LifestealII1250
Enduring SpeedII1750
Superior CooldownIII4250
Superior StaminaIII3500
Improved Spirit ArmorIII4250
Improved Bullet ArmorIII4250
Grey Talon

Goomba Arrow damage, Fire rate GT

Grey Talon Build by GoombaOnCrack

favorit build0

5 months ago

High-Velocity MagI500
Headshot BoosterI500
Swift StrikerII1250
Long RangeII1250
Extra SpiritI500
Healing RiteI500
Extra RegenI500
Sprint BootsI500
Extra StaminaI500
Mid Quick silver for skill 2
Burst FireIII3000
Quicksilver ReloadII1250
Improved CooldownII1250
Pristine EmblemIII3500
Enduring SpeedII1750
Superior StaminaIII3500
Veil WalkerIII3000
Combat BarrierII1250
Grey Talon

Lonnieyo - Talon Build that´s not Dogshit

Grey Talon Build by Lonnieyo

favorit build0

5 months ago

Early Game (all items in order in all tiers) --> Explaination on YouTube: Lonnieyo
Mystic BurstI500
Extra RegenI500
Basic MagazineI500
Extra ChargeI500
Extra StaminaI500
Extra SpiritI500
Mid Game
Improved BurstIII3500
Enchanter's BarrierII1250
Rapid RechargeIII3500
Superior StaminaIII3500
Enduring SpeedII1750
Improved CooldownII1250
Surge of PowerIII3000
Soul Shredder BulletsII1250
Shadow WeaveIV6200
Late Game
Superior CooldownIII4250
Mystic ReverbIV6200
After Build is Finished
Mystic SlowIII4250
Majestic LeapIII3000
Warp StoneIII3000
Spiritual OverflowIV6200
Boundless SpiritIV9700
Crippling HeadshotIV6200
Titanic MagazineIII3500
Grey Talon

Dio Brando's Nuke Man

Grey Talon Build by DARTEAM Princesse LaStar

favorit build0

5 months ago

Extra ChargeI500
Mystic BurstI500
Extra SpiritI500
Enduring SpiritI500
Hollow Point WardI500
Monster RoundsI500
If needed
Mystic ReachI500
Extra StaminaI500
Extra RegenI500
Mystic VulnerabilityII1250
Improved CooldownII1250
Enchanter's BarrierII1250
Mystic ShotII1250
Soul Shredder BulletsII1250
If needed
Spirit LifestealII1250
Superior StaminaIII3500
Sprint BootsI500
Grey Talon

Zeno GT

Grey Talon Build by 21938212103821083210543957430403

favorit build0

7 months ago

Category 1
Hollow Point WardI500
Extra HealthI500
Enduring SpiritI500
Extra RegenI500
Healing RiteI500
Extra ChargeI500
Extra SpiritI500
Mystic BurstI500
Category 2
Mystic ShotII1250
Soul Shredder BulletsII1250
Enchanter's BarrierII1250
Divine BarrierII1250
Improved CooldownII1250
Mystic VulnerabilityII1250
Category 3
Rapid RechargeIII3500
Improved BurstIII3500
Warp StoneIII3000
Improved SpiritIII3500
Surge of PowerIII3000
Superior CooldownIII4250
Category 4
Mystic ReverbIV6200
Boundless SpiritIV9700
Spiritual OverflowIV6200
Grey Talon

Zbikus_ on Tiktok Updated build step by step 28.09

Grey Talon Build by Zbikus_

favorit build0

5 months ago

Early Game Mystic shot if you can farm 1250. If not, then from left to right. Reactive Barrier and Spirit Lifesteal are must have, but buy it when u feel you need it, even if Barrier would be first item. Healing Rite if you reaaaally need it only.
Mystic ShotII1250
Mystic BurstI500
Extra ChargeI500
Extra SpiritI500
Improved CooldownII1250
Reactive BarrierII1250
Spirit LifestealII1250
Healing RiteI500
Early/Mid Pick one, if enemy has lifesteal go for healbane when ever you need it. Sell Healing Rite
Enduring SpiritI500
Mid/Late core items Buy from left to right. These are core items, but feel free to buy DMG items before boots if you dont have to worry in fight's.
Surge of PowerIII3000
Rapid RechargeIII3500
Sprint BootsI500
Enduring SpeedII1750
Improved SpiritIII3500
Improved BurstIII3500
Superior CooldownIII4250
Boundless SpiritIV9700
Soul Shredder BulletsII1250
Late Late Game Mystic if you are safe in combat, Diviner if you are being focused. The rest are up to you, I often buy Metal Skin if in enemy are auto's based champions.
Mystic ReverbIV6200
Diviner's KevlarIV6200
Soul RebirthIV6200
Improved Spirit ArmorIII4250
Metal SkinIII3000
Grey Talon

Recrent's Grey Talon

Grey Talon Build by ...

favorit build0

6 months ago

Mystic BurstI500
Extra ChargeI500
Hollow Point WardI500
Enduring SpiritI500
Extra SpiritI500
Extra StaminaI500
If needed
Healing RiteI500
Core items Cooldown on ultimate. Everything else on Charged Shot
Enchanter's BarrierII1250
Improved BurstIII3500
Rapid RechargeIII3500
Improved SpiritIII3500
Mystic VulnerabilityII1250
Improved CooldownII1250
Boundless SpiritIV9700
Superior CooldownIII4250
Late items
Diviner's KevlarIV6200
Soul Shredder BulletsII1250
Mystic ShotII1250
Soul RebirthIV6200
Surge of PowerIII3000
Mystic ReverbIV6200
Spiritual OverflowIV6200
Grey Talon

Anomi's Biden Blaster - Bird ONLY

Grey Talon Build by Anomi

favorit build0

6 months ago

LANE STUFF Mr President we need to prepare the drones
Mystic BurstI500
Basic MagazineI500
Extra StaminaI500
Extra ChargeI500
Extra SpiritI500
RUSH THESE mr president u need to farm for drone fuel
Improved BurstIII3500
Mystic ReachI500
Improved CooldownII1250
Superior CooldownIII4250
Improved SpiritIII3500
Boundless SpiritIV9700
Improved ReachIII3500
Mystic ReverbIV6200
Surge of PowerIII3000
Diviner's KevlarIV6200
Escalating ExposureIV7450
Soul RebirthIV6200
Grey Talon

Venenu Talon

Grey Talon Build by Venenu

favorit build0

6 months ago

Laning Phase
Extra RegenI500
Extra HealthI500
Sprint BootsI500
Mystic BurstI500
Extra SpiritI500
Extra ChargeI500
Hollow Point WardI500
Headshot BoosterI500
Enchanter's BarrierII1250
Mid game Mystic Shot Rush if Winning Lane, Cooldown on your 1 or Ult
Mystic ShotII1250
Improved BurstIII3500
Improved SpiritIII3500
Rapid RechargeIII3500
Superior CooldownIII4250
Mystic VulnerabilityII1250
Enduring SpeedII1750
Late Game Rush Boundless First, Surge of Power 1 or Ult
Boundless SpiritIV9700
Surge of PowerIII3000
Mystic ReverbIV6200
Diviner's KevlarIV6200
Pristine EmblemIII3500
Burst FireIII3000
Improved Bullet ArmorIII4250
Improved Spirit ArmorIII4250
Grey Talon

sharky rank 1 spirit talon build

Grey Talon Build by michaels vessel

favorit build0

5 months ago

High-Velocity MagI500
Mystic BurstI500
Extra ChargeI500
Extra SpiritI500
Sprint BootsI500
Extra StaminaI500
Hollow Point WardI500
Category 2 after all t1 items and mystic shot purchased buy rush imp burst + spirit
Enchanter's BarrierII1250
Mystic ShotII1250
Improved BurstIII3500
Improved SpiritIII3500
Category 5 after getting imp burst +imp spirit rush boundless + reverb then rapid recharge
Boundless SpiritIV9700
Mystic ReverbIV6200
Rapid RechargeIII3500
Category 6 extras
Diviner's KevlarIV6200
Soul RebirthIV6200
Warp StoneIII3000
Improved CooldownII1250
Ethereal ShiftIII3000
Grey Talon

i'm the best

Grey Talon Build by big bad boy

favorit build0

5 months ago

High-Velocity MagI500
Hollow Point WardI500
Headshot BoosterI500
Extra SpiritI500
Extra ChargeI500
Mystic BurstI500
Extra StaminaI500
Enduring SpiritI500
Extra RegenI500
core bird
Enchanter's BarrierII1250
Improved CooldownII1250
Mystic ShotII1250
Improved SpiritIII3500
Improved BurstIII3500
Superior CooldownIII4250
Boundless SpiritIV9700
late spirit charged shot
Rapid RechargeIII3500
Mystic ReverbIV6200
Surge of PowerIII3000
Diviner's KevlarIV6200
Ethereal ShiftIII3000