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Kelvin Has Beans


Kelvin Has Beans

Kelvin Build by TheDark12

favorit build0

1 month ago

Early Game
Mystic BurstI500
Extra ChargeI500
Spirit StrikeI500
Close QuartersI500
Enduring SpiritI500
Sprint BootsI500
Improved CooldownII1250
Restorative ShotI500
Extra RegenI500
Late Game
Mystic ShotII1250
Healing BoosterII1250
Mystic VulnerabilityII1250
Melee ChargeII1250
Armor T1
Bullet ArmorII1250
Spirit ArmorII1250
Category 5
Superior CooldownIII4250
Improved BurstIII3500
Point BlankIII3500
Rapid RechargeIII3500
Lucky ShotIV6200
Torment PulseIII3000
Armor T2
Improved Bullet ArmorIII4250
Improved Spirit ArmorIII4250
Category 7
Mystic ReverbIV6200
Escalating ExposureIV7450
Mystic SlowIII4250
Improved SpiritIII3500
Boundless SpiritIV9700
Melee LifestealI500

Build Description

Melee titan with big beans.