Deadlock Lash Builds

See the best builds for Lash



Lash Build by murkaz

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1 day ago

LANE: Imbude Flog (3). Sell Extra Regen / Hollow Point Ward if low on slots. On loosing lane use Restorative Shot instead of Hollow Point Ward.
Extra RegenI500
Headshot BoosterI500
Hollow Point WardI500
High-Velocity MagI500
Quicksilver ReloadII1250
Mystic BurstI500
Extra ChargeI500
Restorative ShotI500
CORE: Imbude Flog (3). Soul Shredder into Healing Booster before Mystic Shot if you're having issues sustaining.
Mystic ShotII1250
Surge of PowerIII3000
Cold FrontII1250
Improved BurstIII3500
Pristine EmblemIII3000
Soul Shredder BulletsII1250
Healing BoosterII1250
Bullet ArmorII1250
Spirit ArmorII1250
Slowing HexII1250
Return FireII1250
Debuff ReducerII1250
Reactive BarrierII1250


Lash Build by leeroy jenkins!

favorit build0

1 day ago

Category 1
Extra RegenI500
Headshot BoosterI500
Hollow Point WardI500
Extra SpiritI500
Mystic BurstI500
Mystic ReachI500
Extra ChargeI500
Sprint BootsI500
Extra StaminaI500
Category 2
Cold FrontII1250
Majestic LeapIII3000
Enduring SpeedII1750
Mystic VulnerabilityII1250
Warp StoneIII3000
Improved CooldownII1250
Improved SpiritIII3500
Spirit LifestealII1250
Soul Shredder BulletsII1250
Category 3
Mystic ReverbIV6200
Superior CooldownIII4250
Boundless SpiritIV9700
Escalating ExposureIV7450
Diviner's KevlarIV6200
Rapid RechargeIII3500
Superior StaminaIII3500
Pristine EmblemIII3000
Spiritual OverflowIV6200
Category 4
Soul RebirthIV6200
Mystic SlowIII4250
Improved ReachIII3500
Shadow WeaveIV6200
Metal SkinIII3000
Veil WalkerIII3000

My Lash (JLY)

Lash Build by ItzJLY

favorit build0

1 day ago

Category 1
Hollow Point WardI500
Headshot BoosterI500
High-Velocity MagI500
Restorative ShotI500
Mystic ShotII1250
Slowing BulletsII1250
Category 2
Sprint BootsI500
Bullet LifestealII1250
Extra StaminaI500
Extra RegenI500
Healing RiteI500
Melee LifestealI500
Mid Game
Warp StoneIII3000
Majestic LeapIII3000
Enduring SpeedII1750
Reactive BarrierII1250
Superior StaminaIII3500
Debuff ReducerII1250
Metal SkinIII3000
Debuff RemoverIII4250
Return FireII1250
Quicksilver ReloadII1250
Bullet Resist ShredderII1250
Improved BurstIII3500
Rapid RechargeIII3500
Ethereal ShiftIII3000
Improved CooldownII1250
Superior CooldownIII4250
Mystic BurstI500
Extra ChargeI500

Mobalytics - Lash by Hydration

Lash Build by hydration

favorit build0

6 days ago

Early Game Left to right usually. Extra Regen only if you need it in lane. Quicksilver Reload on Flog (3).
Headshot BoosterI500
High-Velocity MagI500
Hollow Point WardI500
Extra HealthI500
Mystic BurstI500
Extra ChargeI500
Extra RegenI500
Quicksilver ReloadII1250
Mid Game Fill your slots. Improved Burst first T3 item.
Mystic ShotII1250
Bullet Resist ShredderII1250
Healing BoosterII1250
Bullet ArmorII1250
Spirit ArmorII1250
Improved BurstIII3500
Pristine EmblemIII3000
Warp StoneIII3000
Situational Antiheal/Anti CC/Anti-Mobility
Reactive BarrierII1250
Slowing HexII1250
Debuff ReducerII1250
Debuff RemoverIII4250
Late Game Improved Reach on Death Slam.
Improved Bullet ArmorIII4250
Improved Spirit ArmorIII4250
Mystic ReachI500
Improved ReachIII3500

Lash - Roamer / Ganker (Spirit / Gun / Stamina)

Lash Build by Celgaming

favorit build0

1 day ago

Early Game Spirit > Stamina > Gun (Hover items 4 info)
Hollow Point WardI500
High-Velocity MagI500
Slowing BulletsII1250
Mystic ShotII1250
Extra StaminaI500
Sprint BootsI500
Mystic BurstI500
Extra SpiritI500
Extra ChargeI500
Mystic ReachI500
Quicksilver ReloadII1250
Ammo ScavengerI500
Headshot BoosterI500
Close QuartersI500
Bullet Resist ShredderII1250
Veil WalkerIII3000
Combat BarrierII1250
Enchanter's BarrierII1250
Swift StrikerII1250
Burst FireIII3000
Bad lane? Early game
Healing RiteI500
Monster RoundsI500
Extra RegenI500
Enduring SpiritI500
Debuff ReducerII1250
Restorative ShotI500
Utility Consider these
Restorative LocketII1250
Majestic LeapIII3000
Debuff RemoverIII4250
Warp StoneIII3000
Dying too fast?
Bullet ArmorII1250
Spirit ArmorII1250
Reactive BarrierII1250
Metal SkinIII3000


Lash Build by #2 bottom fragger

favorit build0

1 day ago

Headshot BoosterI500
Mystic ShotII1250
High-Velocity MagI500
Kinetic DashII1250
Enduring SpiritI500
Spirit LifestealII1250
Extra StaminaI500
Majestic LeapIII3000
Extra SpiritI500
Mystic BurstI500
Mystic ReachI500
Improved CooldownII1250
Extra ChargeI500

хуй по вкусу как пизда три семерки два хуя

Lash Build by Мама Иры 7Б

favorit build0

1 day ago

Headshot BoosterI500
Mystic BurstI500
Hollow Point WardI500
Mystic ReachI500
Extra ChargeI500
Extra StaminaI500
Extra SpiritI500
1 на выбор если пизды получил
Extra RegenI500
Extra HealthI500
Healing RiteI500
Reactive BarrierII1250
Early game/Ранняя игра
Kinetic DashII1250
Enchanter's BarrierII1250
Veil WalkerIII3000
Combat BarrierII1250
Mid game/Середина игры
Improved BurstIII3500
Soul Shredder BulletsII1250
Majestic LeapIII3000
Improved CooldownII1250

Twitch D1vision Revamped Lash Build (9/26 Patch)

Lash Build by D1vision

favorit build0

5 days ago

Early Game Ideal Left to Right Buy Order Look at Discord Guide Pinned Message For Info
Extra ChargeI500
Mystic BurstI500
Healing RiteI500
High-Velocity MagI500
Extra HealthI500
Basic MagazineI500
Extra StaminaI500
Close QuartersI500
Enduring SpiritI500
Improved CooldownII1250
Mid Game Ideal Left to Right Buy Order (Sell Healing Rite for Majestic)
Cold FrontII1250
Mystic ShotII1250
Rapid RechargeIII3500
Superior StaminaIII3500
Majestic LeapIII3000
Improved BurstIII3500
Improved SpiritIII3500
Debuff ReducerII1250
Bullet ArmorII1250
Mid-Late Game Ideal Left to Right Buy Order(Sell Basic for Pristine & High Velo for Warp)
Soul RebirthIV6200
Warp StoneIII3000
Improved Bullet ArmorIII4250
Pristine EmblemIII3000
Late Game Sell Enduring/Extra Health if need flex
Spirit LifestealII1250
Enchanter's BarrierII1250
Spirit ArmorII1250

Лешаник (смотрите описание)

Lash Build by Chris Redfield enjoer

favorit build0

1 day ago

Лайн ---> эрли В основном слева направо. Мистик шот нужен что бы душить от оружия пока нету нормального спирита, но с ним надо постоянно попадать в головы
Headshot BoosterI500
High-Velocity MagI500
Extra ChargeI500
Extra StaminaI500
Sprint BootsI500
Mystic BurstI500
Mystic ReachI500
Mystic ShotII1250
Improved CooldownII1250
Мид ---> Лейт В основном слева направо, но иногда поглядваем на штуки в самом низу и штуки по желанию/штуки на пустые слоты/ситуативные штуки. Все штуки которые применяются на конкретную абилку применяем на 4-ю, кроме последних 2-х, их на 3-ю.
Improved SpiritIII3500
Improved BurstIII3500
Improved ReachIII3500
Rapid RechargeIII3500
Superior CooldownIII4250
Boundless SpiritIV9700
Surge of PowerIII3000
Mystic ReverbIV6200
Ситуационные штуки Но броню обычно покупать надо 100%, по ситуации смотреть какую
Bullet ArmorII1250
Spirit ArmorII1250
Improved Bullet ArmorIII4250
Improved Spirit ArmorIII4250
Veil WalkerIII3000
Spirit LifestealII1250
Debuff ReducerII1250
Debuff RemoverIII4250
Ethereal ShiftIII3000
Reactive BarrierII1250
Штуки на пустые слоты Штуки на выбор что бы заполнить пустые слоты, если такие есть
Kinetic DashII1250
Mystic SlowIII4250
Mystic VulnerabilityII1250
Torment PulseIII3000
Hunter's AuraIII3000
Escalating ExposureIV7450
Bullet Resist ShredderII1250
Soul Shredder BulletsII1250

Teamfight/Ganking Build Lash by Paradoxist oct ]

Lash Build by Paradoxist

favorit build0

1 day ago

Monster RoundsI500
Rapid RoundsI500
Restorative ShotI500
Hollow Point WardI500
Extra RegenI500
Extra StaminaI500
Sprint BootsI500
Healing RiteI500
Extra ChargeI500
Mystic ReachI500
Mystic BurstI500
Flex 1
Cold FrontII1250
Slowing HexII1250
Withering WhipII1250

Crimson Lash v1 updated 10/6/24

Lash Build by RoyalCrimson

favorit build0

1 day ago

Category 1 Early game l to r
Headshot BoosterI500
Extra RegenI500
Slowing BulletsII1250
Hollow Point WardI500
Sprint BootsI500
Extra ChargeI500
Mystic BurstI500
Improved CooldownII1250
Majestic LeapIII3000
Category 3 SOP or Majestic first depends on lane
Surge of PowerIII3000
Enduring SpeedII1750
Improved BurstIII3500
Rapid RechargeIII3500
Superior CooldownIII4250
Healing BoosterII1250
Category 4 Optinal if ahead
Mystic SlowIII4250
Improved ReachIII3500
Boundless SpiritIV9700

Mobalytics - Deathy's Brawling Lash

Lash Build by Deathy

favorit build0

1 day ago

Laning stage Buy left to right
Headshot BoosterI500
Hollow Point WardI500
Mystic BurstI500
Extra ChargeI500
Sprint BootsI500
Mystic ShotII1250
Lane regen - Buy 1-2 Situational
Healing RiteI500
Extra RegenI500
Melee LifestealI500
Core items Buy left to right. If no flex slot, can sell sprint boots
Slowing HexII1250
Healing BoosterII1250
Spirit ArmorII1250
Bullet ArmorII1250
Quicksilver ReloadII1250
Improved BurstIII3500
Warp StoneIII3000
Situational items All situational depending on the issue, check descriptions
Ethereal ShiftIII3000
Metal SkinIII3000
Return FireII1250
Mystic ReachI500
Bullet Resist ShredderII1250


Lash Build by Naajj

favorit build0

1 day ago

Category 1
Restorative ShotI500
High-Velocity MagI500
Extra StaminaI500
Sprint BootsI500
Extra ChargeI500
Extra SpiritI500
Mystic BurstI500
Mystic ReachI500
Category 2
Active ReloadII1250
Mystic ShotII1250
Bullet ArmorII1250
Spirit ArmorII1250
Enduring SpeedII1750
Improved CooldownII1250
Category 3
Warp StoneIII3000
Pristine EmblemIII3000
Majestic LeapIII3000
Improved Bullet ArmorIII4250
Improved Spirit ArmorIII4250
Superior StaminaIII3500
Improved BurstIII3500
Improved ReachIII3500
Superior CooldownIII4250
Improved SpiritIII3500
Rapid RechargeIII3500
Mystic SlowIII4250
Category 4
Spiritual OverflowIV6200
Soul RebirthIV6200
Phantom StrikeIV6200
Boundless SpiritIV9700
Mystic ReverbIV6200

Drkles do Lash things

Lash Build by Drki

favorit build0

1 day ago

EARLY Buy items left to right. Skill order 1-3-2-4. HVM to help last hits, MR to help farm/diving
Extra RegenI500
High-Velocity MagI500
Mystic BurstI500
Extra ChargeI500
Monster RoundsI500
Sprint BootsI500
Extra StaminaI500
Mystic ReachI500
Mystic ShotII1250
Improved CooldownII1250
Rapid RechargeIII3500
MID Sup CD on ult
Enduring SpeedII1750
Soul Shredder BulletsII1250
Superior StaminaIII3500
Superior CooldownIII4250
Majestic LeapIII3000
SLAM TIME Sell Extra Regen if needed, reach on ult
Improved BurstIII3500
Diviner's KevlarIV6200
Improved ReachIII3500
Healing BoosterII1250
Pristine EmblemIII3000

Beat yo ass Lash (lifesteal) By LiLIroh

Lash Build by LiL Iroh 女

favorit build0

1 day ago

Base items usually left to right Buy an item each 500 soul
Monster RoundsI500
Basic MagazineI500
High-Velocity MagI500
Extra StaminaI500
Ammo ScavengerI500
Extra ChargeI500
Hard situation sometimes I buy everything (sell later)
Healing RiteI500
Restorative ShotI500
Extra RegenI500
Bullet LifestealII1250
Healing BoosterII1250
Superior StaminaIII3500
Mystic ReachI500
Tesla BulletsIII3000
Veil WalkerIII3000
Active ReloadII1250

spirit Lash [yue9n]

Lash Build by yue9n

favorit build0

23 hours ago

Category 1 Buy all gun and spirit 500's, and extra stam. Other greens are if needed in lane
Headshot BoosterI500
Hollow Point WardI500
Extra StaminaI500
Mystic BurstI500
Extra ChargeI500
hard line / situational
Extra HealthI500
Extra RegenI500
Healing RiteI500
Reactive BarrierII1250
Mystic ReachI500
Enduring SpiritI500
Extra SpiritI500
Category 2 Mystic shot first 1250, improved cdr after. Can get greens if you need them, but typically buy these later.
Mystic ShotII1250
Improved CooldownII1250
Healing BoosterII1250
Majestic LeapIII3000
Debuff ReducerII1250
Spirit ArmorII1250

Spirit + melee Lash

Lash Build by Skrabek Znajomek

favorit build0

1 day ago

Lane Startup. Buy all in any order.
High-Velocity MagI500
Close QuartersI500
Melee LifestealI500
Extra StaminaI500
Sprint BootsI500
Mystic BurstI500
Extra ChargeI500
Mystic ReachI500
Spirit StrikeI500
Sustain Buy in lane phase if behind. Should be sold when short on slots.
Extra RegenI500
Restorative ShotI500
Healing RiteI500
Enduring SpiritI500
Extra HealthI500
Extra flex Pick at your own discretion
Monster RoundsI500
Mid game bullet Fill normal slots. Your choice. On the left have higher value/recomendation.
Melee ChargeII1250
Point BlankIII3500
Pristine EmblemIII3000
Slowing BulletsII1250
Hunter's AuraIII3000
Escalating ResilienceIII3000
Kinetic DashII1250

xaniya lash

Lash Build by RD xaniya

favorit build0

3 weeks ago

Early on order
Hollow Point WardI500
Close QuartersI500
Extra ChargeI500
Extra StaminaI500
Sprint BootsI500
Mystic BurstI500
Mystic ShotII1250
hard lane
Extra RegenI500
Healing RiteI500
Restorative ShotI500
must have in order rush superior stamina
Superior StaminaIII3500
Improved BurstIII3500
Improved CooldownII1250
after lane build
Enchanter's BarrierII1250
Enduring SpeedII1750
Improved SpiritIII3500
Superior CooldownIII4250

Salvestro Lash

Lash Build by Salvestro

favorit build0

1 day ago

High-Velocity MagI500
Enduring SpiritI500
Extra StaminaI500
Sprint BootsI500
Mystic BurstI500
Mystic ReachI500
Extra ChargeI500
Extra SpiritI500
Losing Lane
Extra RegenI500
Healing RiteI500
Debuff ReducerII1250
Kinetic DashII1250
Mystic ShotII1250
Pristine EmblemIII3000
Spirit LifestealII1250
Enduring SpeedII1750
Enchanter's BarrierII1250
Cold FrontII1250
Improved BurstIII3500
Improved ReachIII3500
Improved SpiritIII3500
Surge of PowerIII3000
Majestic LeapIII3000
Boundless SpiritIV9700
Mystic ReverbIV6200
Bullet ArmorII1250
Improved Bullet ArmorIII4250
Spirit ArmorII1250
Improved Spirit ArmorIII4250

Ratatuq lash (Majestic Leap)

Lash Build by Ratatuq

favorit build0

1 day ago

Headshot BoosterI500
Hollow Point WardI500
Mystic ShotII1250
Slowing BulletsII1250
Extra RegenI500
Extra StaminaI500
Sprint BootsI500
Mystic BurstI500
Extra ChargeI500
Mystic ReachI500
Majestic LeapIII3000
Surge of Power on 1
Surge of PowerIII3000
Improved CooldownII1250
Enduring SpeedII1750
Bullet ArmorII1250
Debuff ReducerII1250
Spirit ArmorII1250
Point BlankIII3500
Late Cooldown on 1 | Reach on 4
Improved BurstIII3500
Improved Spirit ArmorIII4250
Improved Bullet ArmorIII4250
Superior CooldownIII4250
Soul Shredder BulletsII1250
Toxic BulletsIII3000
Improved ReachIII3500
Superior StaminaIII3500