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Skipping Stones


Skipping Stones

Viscous Build by plank

favorit build0

1 month ago

Core/Early Prioritize burst and cooldown
Basic MagazineI500
Mystic BurstI500
Mystic ReachI500
Extra SpiritI500
Improved CooldownII1250
Sprint BootsI500
Improving Splatter Echo shard should be an early high tier item, along with improved burst.
Improved BurstIII3500
Improved SpiritIII3500
Echo ShardIV6200
Soul Shredder BulletsII1250
Mystic VulnerabilityII1250
Superior CooldownIII4250
Improved ReachIII3500
Mobility and Sustain Building base speed and lifesteal is important so you can stay alive to help your teammates.
Enduring SpeedII1750
Spirit LifestealII1250
Warp StoneIII3000
Rescue BeamIII3000
Endgame These will elevate your splatter greatly and make it possible to combo people solo if needed.
Mystic ReverbIV6200
Boundless SpiritIV9700
Misc Items Buy if you have extra cash
Slowing BulletsII1250
Toxic BulletsIII3000
Surge of PowerIII3000
Rapid RechargeIII3500
Escalating ExposureIV7450

Build Description

Max out splatter and use mobility to line up angles and punish enemies/save teammates. High burst with flexible echo shard usage.

Other than splatter, get at least T2 puddle then feel free to spread your points depending on if you are using ult or cube more often. You'll probably at least want T2 cube before ult.