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Tarot by TTV/Lowqualityplays


Tarot by TTV/Lowqualityplays

Wraith Build by To no telefone

favorit build0

3 months ago

Early Laning If their lane is too agressive, start with yellow, if they are under the tower, purple time
Headshot BoosterI500
Basic MagazineI500
Melee ChargeII1250
Extra ChargeI500
Mystic BurstI500
Extra SpiritI500
Mystic ReachI500
Sprint BootsI500
Extra StaminaI500
Bullet LifestealII1250
Extra RegenI500
Healing RiteI500
The first tower Goes BOOM Not a 9/11 joke. By this point you'll find easier to farm even tier 3 camps
Quicksilver ReloadII1250
Bullet Resist ShredderII1250
Tesla BulletsIII3000
Titanic MagazineIII3500
Sub to ttv/Lowqualityplays streams in PT-BR Now just follow left to right and hope that the game won't end before you hit your build
BUILD TO THIS Now just follow left to right and hope that the game won't end before you hit your build
Lucky ShotIV6200
Improved BurstIII3500
Improved SpiritIII3500
Rapid RechargeIII3500
Enduring SpeedII1750
Superior StaminaIII3500
Burst FireIII3000
Boundless SpiritIV9700

Build Description

Fun build that I came up with, have fun!