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Badussy Wraith


Badussy Wraith

Wraith Build by BrrZrrK

favorit build0

3 months ago

Early get first 3 gun upgrades, then 2 spirit, then 2 green to help win your lane. upgrade the rest according to how you need to play. get healing rite if you desperately need health constantly or a teammate do. I keep quicksilver for pretty much the whole game.
High-Velocity MagI500
Headshot BoosterI500
Rapid RoundsI500
Basic MagazineI500
Close QuartersI500
Sprint BootsI500
Extra StaminaI500
Extra HealthI500
Extra RegenI500
Extra ChargeI500
Ammo ScavengerI500
Extra SpiritI500
Quicksilver ReloadII1250
Healing RiteI500
Mid Game I have put these in the order i usually buy them or their importance to me. healbane and decay to help against lifesteal if needed. If other team is going mostly gun or spirit you can buy armor to help with survivability
Improved CooldownII1250
Rapid RechargeIII3500
Bullet LifestealII1250
Enduring SpeedII1750
Titanic MagazineIII3500
Swift StrikerII1250
Tesla BulletsIII3000
Slowing BulletsII1250
Spirit LifestealII1250
Superior StaminaIII3500
Duration ExtenderII1250
Bullet ArmorII1250
Spirit ArmorII1250
Debuff ReducerII1250
Long RangeII1250
Late game These are also KIND OF in order once you play enough you can upgrade how you please. In End Game start focusing on cooldowns, and gun. make sure to have lifesteal and siphon for lifesteal and boundless to increase spirit.
Burst FireIII3000
Siphon BulletsIV6200
Intensifying MagazineIII3000
Lucky ShotIV6200
Surge of PowerIII3000
Superior DurationIII4250
Superior CooldownIII4250
Improved SpiritIII3500
Improved ReachIII3500
Escalating ResilienceIII3000
Point BlankIII3500
Boundless SpiritIV9700
Veil WalkerIII3000
Improved Bullet ArmorIII4250
Improved Spirit ArmorIII4250
Debuff RemoverIII4250
Crippling HeadshotIV6200
Mystic SlowIII4250
Toxic BulletsIII3000
Improved BurstIII3500
Vampiric BurstIV6200

Build Description

This is for Egguh