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BIS Late Game Abrams


BIS Late Game Abrams

Build de Abrams por coach

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hace 1 meses

laning phase monster rounds or restorative shot depending on your preference ; we sell monster rounds / restorative shot, spirit strike, extra health and the emergency green when we need slots for later core items
Balas mata monstruosI500
Robo de vida por pelea cuerpo a cuerpoI500
Golpe espiritualI500
Cara a caraI500
Vida adicionalI500
Resistencia adicionalI500
lane emergency
Rito de curaciónI500
Regeneración adicionalI500
mid game berserker is just great value for price and melee charge is self explanatory -> infinite ammo
Carga cuerpo a cuerpoII1250
mid game you need to sell extra health and healing rite / extra regen at some point to make room
Armadura antibalasII1250
Armadura espiritualII1250
Golpe vitalIII3500
Resistencia superiorIII3500
mid game sell bullet resist and coldfront if you have money for the items below
Destructor de resistencia a balasII1250
Frente fríoII1250
Ampliador de duraciónII1250
late game point blank in combination with superior stamina gives you enough stamina to get around even without boots imo, it is probably up to preference though
Aura del cazadorIII3000
Tiro al blancoIII3500
armors buy these early if you get shredded by either damage type ; don't forget other items can also give you resistance -> i.e. maybe bullet armor into point blank is better at your current game state
Armadura antibalas mejoradaIII4250
Armadura espiritual mejoradaIII4250
late game one of the actives for coldfront if you have the funds for it. ps. my preference is knockdown for the free heavy melee on the gorund
Duración superiorIII4250
Pulso atormentadorIII3000
Ralentización místicaIII4250
Glifo silenciadorIII3000
last weapon slot choose one of these depending on your needs ; crippling improves your 1 damage and sustain, vampiric has good value, silencer can counter yamato and other ability reliant heroes
Tiro debilitante a la cabezaIV6200
Explosión vampíricaIV6200
Deadpool trust... leech is insane with your 1 when you have the spirit items I listed
luxury extra power to your AURA (syphon life)
Exposición ascendenteIV7450
Category 12 published to help my fellow Abrams' enjoyers discover the beauty of syphon life in late game -> I feel like others don't build around it's power enough... ps.: Torment Pulse + Mystic Slow = BIS Syphon Life value
honorable mention
Maldición AnticuraII1250

Descripción de la Build

includes explanations for item choices
