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The Big Fast


The Big Fast

Build Infernus par SYSyphys

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il y a 1 mois

Go FAST! Run through lanes to farm and push
Cadence infernaleI500
Tir véloceII1250
Bottes de courseI500
Vitesse persistanteII1750
Regain de puissanceIII3000
Bonus d'enduranceI500
Prolongation supérieureIII4250
Vulnérabilité mystiqueII1250
Endurance supérieureIII3500
And now, they burn.
Exposition spirituelleIV7450
Portée amélioréeIII3500
Aura héroïqueIII3000
Canon de verreIV6200
Pulsion vampiriqueIV6200
Category 4

Description du Build

Use superior speed to keep all lanes farmed and shoved out while escaping danger.

Escalating Exposure is a must have late-game!