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7EUS - AOE God - Ult Focus Spirit Build


7EUS - AOE God - Ult Focus Spirit Build

Build Seven par Victor_sueca

favorit build29,423

il y a 3 mois

Early Game Some staples to hold everything together, purchase at lease unless doing eco.
Balles antimonstresI500
Rite de guérisonI500
Vol de vie spirituelII1250
Esprit bonusI500
Portée mystiqueI500
Temps de récupération amélioréII1250
Mid Game The 7EUS awakens... Keep those Lightning Balls rolling and don't understimate your Power Surge
Pare-balle amélioréIII4250
Pare-esprit amélioréIII4250
Bond majestueuxIII3000
Portée amélioréeIII3500
Esprit amélioréIII3500
Ralentissement mystiqueIII4250
Temps de récupération supérieurIII4250
Prolongation supérieureIII4250
Late Game What if the Skybox.... was the Freakybox?
Profusion spirituelleIV9700
Kevlar de l'augureIV6200
Exposition spirituelleIV7450

Description du Build

Buff your Ult and wreck havoc. Your enemies will regret every second they left you farming.
Mostly copypasted from the old build system, someone here probably knows who created it, I sure don't.