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Tarot by TTV/Lowqualityplays


Tarot by TTV/Lowqualityplays

Build Wraith par To no telefone

favorit build0

il y a 1 mois

Early Laning If their lane is too agressive, start with yellow, if they are under the tower, purple time
Chargeur de baseI500
Charge bruteII1250
Charge bonusI500
Choc mystiqueI500
Esprit bonusI500
Portée mystiqueI500
Bottes de courseI500
Bonus d'enduranceI500
Balles voleuses de vieII1250
Bonus de régénérationI500
Rite de guérisonI500
The first tower Goes BOOM Not a 9/11 joke. By this point you'll find easier to farm even tier 3 camps
Rechargement éclairII1250
Balles perforantesII1250
Balles teslasIII3000
Chargeur titanesqueIII3500
Sub to ttv/Lowqualityplays streams in PT-BR Now just follow left to right and hope that the game won't end before you hit your build
BUILD TO THIS Now just follow left to right and hope that the game won't end before you hit your build
Tir veinardIV6200
Châtiment curatifII1250
Choc amélioréIII3500
Esprit amélioréIII3500
Recharge rapideIII3500
Vitesse persistanteII1750
Endurance supérieureIII3500
Profusion spirituelleIV9700

Description du Build

Fun build that I came up with, have fun!