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Reverse Salem Witch Trials


Reverse Salem Witch Trials

Build Vindicta oleh Technicalwaffle

favorit build0

1 bulan yang lalu

Extra Regen
Pemulihan EkstraI500
Early Game
Isi Daya EkstraI500
Jangkauan MistisI500
Stamina EkstraI500
Peluru Berongga MagisI500
Tembakan BeruntunI500
Booster HeadshotI500
Mid Game
Jarak JauhII1250
Penyerang CepatII1250
Pemanjang DurasiII1250
Peningkatan CooldownII1250
Durasi SuperIII4250
Curi HP PeluruII1250
Late Game Buildup Imbue Reach on Stake, Duration and CD on Flight
Penembak JituIII4250
Api AlkimiaIII3000
Semburan TembakanIII3000
Cooldown SuperIII4250
Durasi SuperIII4250
Peningkatan JangkauanIII3500
If Ahead Shift if you're getting bullied. Surge on Flight if ahead.
Lonjakan KekuatanIII3000
Stamina SuperiorIII3500
If Behind Reactive Barrier if you're getting stunned out of the air alot. Veil Walker if you're getting dove.
Perisai ReaktifII1250
Pergeseran FanaIII3000
Tabir PenjagaIII3000
Late Game Echo Shard first and then the next 4 in whatever order you like.
Fragmen GemaIV6200
Meriam KacaIV6200
Tembakan KeberuntunganIV6200
Ledakan VampirIV6200
Headshot PelumpuhIV6200

Deskripsi Build

Salem witch trials but in reverse hoooahah aoha haohehe

No but seriously. Stake someone to the ground for 5 seconds and
then throw homemade napalm on them that'll make them wish
they chose to be thrown into a river inside of a burlap sack.

Shoot them while they're tethered too. Not sure if I needed to clarify
but that part wasn't in the original trials so just wanted to be clear.