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Wraith Card/Debuff Build


Wraith Card/Debuff Build

레이스의 빌드 by h8dbcofgr8qualities

favorit build0

1개월 전

Early Must haves - rely on card early
신비의 폭발I500
추가 충전I500
추가 활력I500
Mid All hail the full cycle - be a mid game menace
퀵실버 재장전II1250
총탄 저항 분쇄기II1250
총탄 둔화II1250
날쌘 강타II1250
치유 억제II1250
총탄 체력 흡수II1250
압력 장치II1250
Late Most important here are point blank, toxic bullets, and mystic slow - rest can be skipped if u want
초근접 직사III3500
독성 총탄III3000
신비한 둔화III4250
저항 증대III3000
폭발 강화III3500
급속 재충전III3500
Juiced Absolute menace to society
피해 억제IV6200

빌드 설명

For early game on wraith u want to rely on the cards for damage. Mid game roam hard and get free kills by full cycling people when you get the chance - Wraith is strongest in mid game atm. Late game it's usually better to lean more into a support role.