저희 Discord에 참여하여 피드백과 제안을 공유하고, 새로운 기능에 대한 최신 정보를 받아보세요.
Early Game em vantagem Lanes favoráveis ou empatadas
Early game em desvantagem Lanes difíceis
regen hard lane =restorative shot
t3 rush either one is good sell headshot booster . yamato/lady geist/pocket=silence
II1250 II1250 lane regen
I500 I500 Early lane these are your absolute must buys early
Lane extras Sell Regen and hvm later
Late laning phase/roaming Generally any order works but prioritize mystic shot/vuln
Optionals Only get them if you really need them
Tough lane
I500 I500 If Struggling
I500 I500 Hard Lane
I500 I500 Situational
I500 I500 Luxury Focus on tanking up in the endgame.
I500 I500