아이비 스킬 순서
빌드 설명
Turn Ivy into the flying bomber aeroplane she always wanted to be.
Maximizes spirit damage, specifically for the kudzus & alchemical fire
in the name of making her an absolute monster who makes the floor
lava and chucks bombs from the air. Your main goal is to throw
a kudzu at someone's feet alongside an alch fire, drop the bomb so
that them being able to leave is delayed, and then either fly around and
fling more bombs, or drop stone form on people to stun them in the
DoT field for longer. Capable of nuking a fullfed abrams or geist with relative ease. Also if you can bait them into fighting you in an indoors/enclosed space, you can just win the fight by merit of them standing in your kudzus. The nerf to Ivy's spirit damage slightly after the Sept. 26th update barely affected her, only lowers her max dps on kudzus by about 12. This is near as I can figure, the biggest damage you can get out of Ivy's AP investments. Total monster, even post-nerfs. Just takes a tiny bit longer to get off the ground.