Seven Yetenek Sırası

Yapım Açıklaması
LANING: Push lane constantly with Lightning Ball & take 2min Neutral Camps when lane is pushed. Play safe and focus on last hitting and denying. Leave lane when all items are bought.
JUNGLE: Abandon your guardian and take the jungle. Use your Level 3 Lightning Ball to Flash Farm tight T1 & T2 neutral camps. Run from enemy heroes.
SPLIT PUSHING: Focus on pushing outer lanes while taking jungle camps. Push the wave up with your ball. Avoid fights. Survival is a must.
TEAMFIGHTS: Never use your ultimate. Stay at the rear of the fight or look for flanks where possible. NEVER DIE.
RAID BOSS: Once you have Leech it is near impossible for you to die as you can escape with magic carpet then regen if you are low.