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复仇女巫 Builds
查看 复仇女巫 的最佳 Builds
optional agaist heavy gun users
II1250 III4250 Buy left to right sell CB for Leech
IV6200 II1250 RUSH ASAP first items to get ater laning phase
I500 Heals if bad
I500 Warpstone (if dying)
III3000 IV6200 Late Game Unstoppable gives move speed so get it regardless of enemy composition. Refresher gives you ALL your assassinate charges back.
Early Game Left to Right (Extra Charge when you unlock your Ultimate)
Early farm lane until maxed ult and snowball | Healing Rite situational
Emblem | DR DR vs controls
III3500 III4250 Early Situational
I500 II1250 Early Game Optionals consider DB for later help