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提箱客 Builds
查看 提箱客 的最佳 Builds
Laning 5min 2k Poking Damage. be close to enemy punish push with melee
Laning 10min 6k more damage and sustain (might not need healing rite)
Before Jungle
I500 Mid Game 15min 12k after guardian start jungle farming a little. Sell Monster rounds if needed
Against Debuffs
III4250 III3000 для взрыва на лейне
I500 Замена кевлара
IV6200 Situational Lane +1 stam, +spirit dmg and lifesteal or weapon heal
II1250 II1750 buy when you feel like it.
II1750 difficult lane
I500 I500 Diviner's Kevlar Buy it.