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西弗 Builds
查看 西弗 的最佳 Builds
Hard Lane
I500 if losing lane
I500 I500 Optional
II1250 Lane buy stamina if u like
Early Situational Annotation
I500 I500 IF AHEAD
IV6200 Luxury Focus on tanking up in the endgame.
Situational Tier 1 (sell mid game if needed) buy if struggling early game
Lane Take from Left to Right. Restorative shot is the best starting item. The build is gun focused at the start.
Lane Optional Sustain and pushing power. (Good for Solo Lane)
Stamina Vs Boots Enemy team slow = Enduring Speed
Early (Lane) Resto Shot/Ammo Scav are core; choose only what you need from others
IV7450 IV6200 End game, rush EE
IV7450 IV9700 If Struggling
I500 I500 Luxury Focus on tanking up in the endgame.