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隧底双煞 Builds
查看 隧底双煞 的最佳 Builds
Laning Core. Ideal left to right order. Hard lane = buy situational items
Laning situational Burst with t2 scorn
late echo shard if ahead (double burrow)
IV6200 IV6200 Lane Optional
I500 I500 Лейн Мечта о гангах и быстрой игре...
Laning Phase all active items can be instacast inside of burrow
The Powerspike
III3000 IV6200 Laning Core. Ideal left to right order. Hard lane = buy situational items
Buy one depending on matchup
For infernus/pocket matchups
II1250 III4250 Healing
I500 I500 Laning Phase We'll use Melee Lifesteal + Scorn for sustain and some passive health regen
Sustain Rough Lane? consider adding these items
I500 I500 6200 first priorit
IV6200 IV6200 Regen
I500 Flex slot time. Burrow, pop out, spin. scorn blind, grab. WIN
III3000 III3000 Laning Core. Ideal left to right order. Hard lane = buy situational items
Laning situational Burst with t2 scorn