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Dynamo Ult/Support Build


Dynamo Ult/Support Build

Build de Dynamo por Controversie

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hace 1 meses

Lane Items Buy left to right
Tiros RápidosI500
Vida adicionalI500
Bala de punta huecaI500
Carga extraI500
Explosión místicaI500
Resistencia adicionalI500
Early/Mid Game Items Rush Majestic Leap as soon as you , get Armors before if you need protections
Salto majestuosoIII3000
Velocidad persistenteII1750
Armadura espiritualII1250
Armadura antibalasII1250
Ampliador de duraciónII1250
Tiempo de recarga mejoradoII1250
Mid/Late Game Items Put Duration, Reach and Cooldown on your ult, use refresher for your ult aswell
Duración superiorIII4250
Tiempo de recarga superiorIII4250
Alcance mejoradoIII3500
Armadura espiritual mejoradaIII4250
Armadura antibalas mejoradaIII4250
Resistencia superiorIII3500
Gema de teletransporteIII3000
Late Game Items Buy Unstoppable only if you need to, getting stunned out of your ult is rare but can sometimes happen, Phantom Strike can replace leap if you prefer it or are into a Weapon heavy enemy team
Aura del cazadorIII3000
Renacimiento del almaIV6200
Vulnerabilidad MísticaII1250
Exposición ascendenteIV7450
Golpe fantasmalIV6200
Items to fill random slots Buy these if you need them for countering certain characters or want to fill slots
Tiro al blancoIII3500
Pulso atormentadorIII3000
Eliminador de efectos negativosIII4250
Glifo silenciadorIII3000

Descripción de la Build

Dynamo 4 pressing build with some other stuffs