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Kelvin's Mr Freeze


Kelvin's Mr Freeze

Build de Kelvin por Sastre

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hace 5 meses

Early Game Core build for ability damage/range/radius, mobility, and close range weapon damage
Alcance místicoI500
Espiritu adicionalI500
Espíritu duraderoI500
Cargador de alta velocidadI500
Resistencia adicionalI500
Botas de velocidadI500
Cara a caraI500
Mid Game Enhance ability cooldowns/damage/range/radius, mobility, and sustain
Tiempo de recarga mejoradoII1250
Vulnerabilidad MísticaII1250
Robo de Vida EspiritualII1250
Alcance mejoradoIII3500
Velocidad persistenteII1750
Balas rompealmasII1250
Balas ralentizantesII1250
Espíritu mejoradoIII3500
Late Game/No Flex
Tiempo de recarga superiorIII4250
Exposición ascendenteIV7450
Espíritu ilimitadoIV9700
Resistencia superiorIII3500
Tiro al blancoIII3500
Emblema prístinoIII3500
Freeze Flex Pick 1-3
Ampliador de duraciónII1250
Carga extraI500
Explosión místicaI500
Duración superiorIII4250
Ralentización místicaIII4250
Recarga rápidaIII3500
Explosión mejoradaIII3500
Situational Flex Pick 1-3
Destructor de resistencia a balasII1250
Oleada de energíaIII3000
Armadura espiritualII1250
Piel de aceroIII3000
Fuego alquímicoIII3000
Chaleco del videnteIV6200
Reverberación místicaIV6200
Renacimiento del almaIV6200
Armadura antibalasII1250
Armadura antibalas mejoradaIII4250
Ice Ice Baby The goal of the build is to enhance and be aggressive with arctic beam and frost grenades while remaining mobile and tanky. You can cast beam while using ice path for great chasing/harassing abilities. Your weapon is good supplemental damage and debuff in-between beam cooldowns. Ult wisely

Descripción de la Build

Arctic Beam (3) / Frost Grenade (1) aggressive spirit damage and movement buff/debuff centered build.

Lots of single target and AoE spirit damage and slow through beam and grenades. Frozen Shelter (4) provides great utility for a variety of situations.

Movement/HP/sustain/resitances are also enhanced for survivablity