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Tmoney Classic Wraith Build


Tmoney Classic Wraith Build

Build de Espectra por OP11

favorit build0

1 meses atrás

1 Early First Buys
Cartucho BásicoI500
Vida AdicionalI500
Balas VampíricasII1250
Rito de CuraI500
Carga AdicionalI500
Domínio MísticoI500
2 Mid-Game Mid G
Artilharia RápidaII1250
Recarregamento CélereII1250
Balas de TeslaIII3000
Recarga AceleradaII1250
3 Late Sell Tesla For Ricochet
Domínio AprimoradoIII3500
Canhão de VidroIV6200
Recarga SuperiorIII4250
Cartucho TitânicoIII3500
Cartucho IntensificadorIII3000
4 Tmoney Form
Rajada VampíricaIV6200
Balas AbsorventesIV6200
0 Maybe *Gulp*
Armadura Balística ReforçadaIII4250
Armadura Espiritual ReforçadaIII4250
Balas TóxicasIII3000
Tiro Debilitante na CabeçaIV6200
Maldição AnticuraII1250

Descrição da Build

To the person who made the linepro wraith build you make me sick to my stomach your build was so bad you made me ponder and make my own build never open this game again

-This build is no doubt the best out there rn
-Only use this build if you can handle Tmoney Status if you cant turn the other way
-if you do bad on this build delete from your favs and never use again

-Thank You
-Tmoney Sr.