Haze Fähigkeitsreihenfolge
Hakbak's Haze Stackadoo build is mainly focussed on shooting as many bullits as you can to stack up ur dmg buffs.
Start Perks: Focusses on magazine size and fire rate for skill 3 to stack up quickly. With mobility for survabilty and chase potential. You can choose to focus on CQC or headshots if you want.
Early + Midgame: You need bullet lifesteal to get sustain ingame and for the ult. Focusses again on magazine size and fire rate. Also we try to boost the ult if we can.
Endgame: Get ricochet, leech, glass cannon for uber ults. Rest of the perks you can chose for what the situation needs.
Early + Midgame: You need bullet lifesteal to get sustain ingame and for the ult. Focusses again on magazine size and fire rate.